The Number One Online Christian University According To Bible College Online

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Is Regent University the top Christian University in the country? Bible College Online certainly thinks so! Read on to discover who Bible College Online is, what they’re doing to help students and Universities, and why Regent University sits atop their rankings of Christian Colleges in the United States.

Who Is Bible College Online?

At Bible College Online, we work diligently to pair prospective students with their ideal school. Our comprehensive ranking system not only helps us to skillfully match students and schools, it also helps prospective students make better decisions by outlining the major differences between each of our partnered institutions, aligned with their faith.

Why Use Bible College Online To Select A School?

We believe that the more informed you are as a student, the easier your choice will be in choosing the perfect school. While our ranking system is not a pros and cons list, it does allow prospective students to identify certain aspects of schools that they either gravitate toward or shy away from.

A Tool To Choose The Ideal University For You

Think of our rankings list as an opportunity to get to know your potential school, almost like a virtual tour of the school itself. With the help of Bible College online, you can become acquainted with multiple schools you are choosing between and then better assess what you are looking for as a student.

More Than Rankings: Bible College Online Helps You Learn Through Comparison

What you may see as a positive aspect of the learning experience, like a school being completely online, another student may see as a negative or unattractive quality. That’s totally fine! Part of the fun when choosing your ideal Christian University is establishing what you do and don’t like. A comparison tool, like the ranking system you’ll find at Bible College Online, is the perfect way to compare and contrast schools, programs, and even potential career paths.

Is Regent University The Best Christian College In The U.S.?

While it’s true that every student has different expectations of their continuing education, our ranking system does take into account multiple elements of the learning experience and ranks schools accordingly. Our rankings are based on a multitude of requirements, expectations, and criteria that allow us to filter and rank Christian-based colleges throughout the United States.

Bible College Online’s ranking system is intended to sort schools, and while it may not seem fair, someone has to be the best. For us here at Bible College Online, the school that stands above the rest is Regent University. Below you will find just a few reasons why Regent is at the top of our list and why we love this school for prospective students.

Regent University Has What We Look For In A Partner

At Bible College Online, we pride ourselves in finding the perfect Christian University for every student. Even though the individual needs of every student are highly specific, there are some general qualifications that institutions of higher learning should adhere to.

Our comprehensive list of partners is an exemplary selection of Universities that promote the pursuit of a Christian-centric learning experience. Of all the universities on our top 100 Christian Universities list, Regent University stands as the pinnacle choice for a higher education centered around a Christian-based college experience.

Regent’s dedication to Christian education is no more clear as it is in the words they place front and center on the homepage of their website: “The Regent Difference [is] Christian Leadership To Change The World.”

Regent’s dedication to ensuring they provide a well-rounded education that centers around Christian morality is only a small part of what makes them the top choice amongst every other Christian college. Here are three major factors that we take into consideration when looking for a school to partner with. The following criteria are elements that Regent University not only exemplifies but excels at:

A Longstanding Reputation For Credibility: A Must For Any Institution

If you want to be a partner for Bible College Online, your school must be accredited. Regent is a fully accredited school with a rich history of doing things the right way.

History is an important part of any University as it not only tells you where a school has been but where they are going to next. The history of Regent is rich with accolades and rooted in an inspiring dedication to a superb faith-based education.

From its inception in 1978, Regent has worked tirelessly to ensure that their students receive a well-rounded and fully Christian education that gives their students a bedrock on which to plan their adult life. Regent is fully accredited and offers a wide variety of programs, fields of study, and opportunities to grow in education and faith.

Easy Navigation Is Key: Here’s How The Regent University Website Does It Right

Website navigation is an integral part of our ranking system, and just a quick glance along the top of Regent’s web page reveals why they excel in this category. Regent’s website promotes a positive user experience wherein the ability to find what you are looking for is as easy as a quick glance.

Even if you aren’t sure what you’re looking for, or if you are just doing a bit of browsing, Regent’s site has an excellent flow that seamlessly takes the user from one page to the next. Everything from learning about Regent to discovering more about the courses offered, and even into the enrollment process and student support, Regent’s site is geared toward engagement.

The navigation features on the Regent University website are constantly being updated to reflect changes in courses, requirements, campus happenings, etc., and their site is demonstrative of how an easy-to-use layout can generate interest, increase usership, and ultimately help influence a prospective student.

Program Diversity: How The Programs Of Regent Set Students Up For Success

Regent offers a wide variety of studies, programs, and degrees, including bachelor’s degrees in the arts and sciences, master’s degrees in journalism and counseling, and of course, doctorates in legal studies and education.

While the selection of secular degrees offered by Regent is a fine feather in their cap, the real differentiator is their offerings for religious degrees. Here are some of the degrees that Regent offers for those interested in pursuing a career that directly involves their faith:

  • Divinity and Theology
  • Practical Theology
  • Family and Faith Counseling
  • Leadership Studies For Christian Ministry
  • Music For Worship

Regent offers the same type of degrees as a secular institution with the added benefit of faith-based degree options for those interested in merging their career and their love of Christ. While Regent has a campus in beautiful Virginia Beach, ideal for any student who has a strong desire for a more communal collegiate experience, they also offer online degrees as well.

Regent University: An Exemplary Partner Of Bible College Online

While we are certain that Regent would be an excellent selection for you as a student, we encourage you to use Bible College Online to explore your options! If you are a student who’s interested in pursuing a faith-based higher learning experience, let us help you in choosing the perfect university. Likewise, if you are an institution that is interested in partnering with us, we can help you grow by increasing awareness about your school and its offerings.

Bible College Online is the perfect way to connect with those who are connected to the Christian faith through education. We are all called to some kind of vocation, and everyone’s discernment process is a little different. For those in need of assistance and for all who believe in the benefits of a Christian education, Bible College Online is here to help you understand and fulfill God’s plan for you.

Want to explore more online Christian universities? Take a look at  Liberty University, Colorado Christian UniversityGrand Canyon University, and Houston Christian University. These faith-based institutions provide a wide range of degree options and are strongly committed to Christian values and education. 

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