The Enduring Legacy of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

Former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn Carter, have dedicated their lives to public service, leaving a lasting impact on the world stage through their commitment to humanitarian causes and global peace. Their dedication to improving the lives of others...

Ace Your Exams: 30+ Little-Known Study Tips That Work

Whether you’re a traditional student facing the pressures of exam season or someone going back to college later in life, the upcoming exams can be overwhelming. However, it’s important to remember that you can do well on your exams with the right approach...

Online Ministry Degree: 8 Important Things to Know

If you are considering pursuing a career in ministry, you may be wondering if an online ministry degree is the right choice for you. Online degrees have various benefits compared to traditional campus-based programs, such as flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and...

2024 Shift: End to Legacy Admissions

Have you ever heard of a friend or acquaintance being admitted to a University way out of their academic league? Have you ever wondered how certain students seem to get a leg-up in the admissions process despite being underqualified? If you’ve ever asked these types...