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NRF introduces Privacy Initiative

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WASHINGTON ­— The National Retail Federation (NRF) has announced the launch of the Center for Consumer Privacy and Innovation, a retailer-led initiative intended to promote and protect innovation in the retail customer experience. The launch took place during NRF 2020 Vision: Retail’s Big Show, NRF’s annual convention.

“Retailers recognize the importance of and value the trust placed in their hands by their customers,” NRF president and chief executive officer Matthew Shay said. “The Center for Consumer Privacy and Innovation will provide insight and policy expertise to educate lawmakers as they strive to properly balance consumer protections with retail innovation.”

The retail industry is increasingly driven by consumer data, harnessing new technologies and personalized solutions to deliver a seamless experience. Digital and mobile solutions in particular have enabled retailers to innovate at a greater speed to meet the demands of consumers.

As officials at the state and federal levels seek to regulate how personal information is protected and consumers are given control over data, the center will produce research, track privacy legislation, and educate the public and policy makers about the benefits, convenience and value they derive from the technology retailers develop. The effort is intended to ensure that government regulation does not harm innovative aspects of the retail economy.

“Retailers endeavor each day to earn and maintain a customer’s trust and loyalty,” Shay said. “There is always another competitor across the street or across the globe eager to provide better products and services at the best possible prices. Unfortunately, public policy aimed at protecting consumer privacy could result in unintended consequences that harm continued innovation designed to benefit the consumer.”

NRF believes legislation that protects personal information should be transparent for consumers and extend obligations to all businesses that handle personal data.

